26 Dec 2012
Pornstars Save The World From The Apocalypse
"Tory Lane tit's saved us" - Photo Courtesy of Cherry Pimps
Well, the world didn't end. All over the world people claimed that the world was going to end. But it didn't. That is a load of my shoulders, let me tell you. I guess that means we can continue doing what we've been doing. Which for me, is checking out porn stars at sites such as Cherry Pimps.
I'm even going to take it a step further. I think the world was going to end but it couldn't because of all the awesome porn star pussy out there. Just look at all the mattress actresses on Cherry Pimps. They're fucking awesome. Why would the world end when they is that kind of quality pussy floating out there.
Those of you who've been living under a rock might not know what I'm talking about when I say that the world was going to end. And if you are one of these people, then let me ask you a question. Where have you been all this time? It's been all over the news that the end is near. But let's clarify anyway.
It all basically came down to the Mayan long count calendar. On December 21, 2012 the calendar ended and many people theorized that the world was going to end. Yeah, because the Mayan's were fucking geniuses I suppose. Sure, they were good at astronomy, but they couldn't even predict their own demise, so why do we think they could predict ours?
This happens all the time, however. There are so many doomsday predictions it's hard to keep up with them. So I'm going to start my own theory. The world is going to end when no more women are working in porn. That's right, the end of porn stars will mark the beginning of the end of the world. How's that for a theory?
And looking at sites such as Elegant Angel, I don't think it's going to happen anytime soon. Every time I turn around there are new porn stars coming on line. And all of these porn stars are going to save the world. I'm really going to try to get this theory to get some traction. With all of these crazy theories, I think I can.
Maybe I will turn on the news tomorrow and the headline will be that pornstars saved the world. They reporters will say that porn sites such as Club Smash Pictures prevented the Mayan apocalypse from happening. Yeah, that's it. The apocalypse was going to happen, but the big round tits of Tory Lane prevented it from happening.
Hell, if I could get that theory to get some traction it could really turn out in my favor. I can imagine that I had to take Tory Lane hope as insurance against the end of time. And my wife would have to believe it because it was on the internet. Man, that would be great for me.
So do the world a favor and make sure that the porn stars of the world continue to thrive. Let's keep these ladies going, and therefore keep the world going.
Posted by David