Deep Throat Love
13 Jun 2011
Teaching the Art of Throat Fucking
"Meet A Deep Throat Master" - Photo Courtesy of Deep Throat Love
Every guy on the planet wants their girl to shove their cock down their throats. That is a fact, my friends. And some of us get lucky and find that one lady who loves to deepthroat cock. Some of us however, don't get that opportunity and have to rely on watching deepthroat porn sites such as Deep Throat Love.
Deep Throat Love is a porn site that really relishes showing hot women shove big cocks down their gullets. In scene after scene, they show these ladies gagging on tube steak to some pretty brilliant finishes. Now I know that many of you are going to tell me that there are quite a few deep throat sites out there. I know there is, but this one is really kinda special. It not only provides some pretty intense deepthroat porn, but it also offers tutorials. Yes, you heard that correctly. These mattress actresses will teach your girl how to properly deep throat your rock hard cock. You don't see sites that offer that everyday now do you?
Of course, it is up to you to figure out how to get your woman to watch these tutorials. I mean, can you imagine going up to your wife and girlfriend and telling her to watch the deep throat tutorials on Deep Throat Love? That can be a sticky situation that might cause your woman to stop sucking your cock altogether. So when you are trying to get her to watch the videos you are going to have to show some tact. Don't just go up to her and tell her that she could learn a thing or two by watching these hot sluts getting throat fucked. That could get your slapped.
I would suggest that you introduce your wife or girlfriend to the site by incorporating it into your foreplay. Don't tell her that your trying to teach her something. No, start off by telling her that you want to watch some porn with her. And then "accidently" introduce her to the site. Tell her that it looks like a fun site to watch together. Then once you start watching, say something like "Wow! They even have tutorials, isn't that fun?" Before long, your woman will be experimenting with gagging on your cock. You will get what you want and she will get the satisfaction of learning a new skill. Hey, it is a win-win situation for all involved.
Of course if your just looking for a chance to see hot women gagging on cock, then you might want to visit Deep Throat Love for some really great action. And there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, that is a perfectly acceptable way to use the site. So whether your trying to improve your woman's sexual skills, or just want to watch babes getting throat fucked you can be sure that Deep Throat Love will have something to offer you. Now run along and have some fun. I will talk to you all later.
Posted by David